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home » Electronics "A chemical way to quickly clean copper using what you have in the kitchen

This simple method of chemically purifying copper from oxide and darkening is available to absolutely everyone. All the ingredients for it can be easily found in the kitchen at home. Using this method, you can clean copper coins, wires, tubes and any other copper parts. Unlike mechanical impact, chemical impact will not change the surface of the product, but will only remove the outer layer of oxide.

Will need

  • Baking soda.
  • Rock salt.
  • Vinegar 9%.

How to quickly clean copper parts, wires, coins

We take two glass containers. Pour plain water into one and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir well. This solution will serve to neutralize the acid.

Place a teaspoon of table salt in another container.

Add vinegar and mix well.

Place the copper piece in a vessel with a solution of salt and vinegar.

We wait 5-15 minutes. After this we take out the copper part.

You can immediately see that the copper has brightened and cleaned up.

Next, to neutralize the acid, place the conductor in the soda solution for a couple of seconds.

Take it out and wipe it with a dry cloth.

If the copper part is not sufficiently cleaned, you can repeat the operation and immerse it in a vessel with vinegar and salt for a longer time.

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