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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » Does your laundry smell musty after washing? Check the drain

Sometimes laundry can have a musty smell after washing, even if expensive detergent and fabric softener are used. In this case, the reason is in the machine itself. But you shouldn’t call a technician right away, as the problem may simply be an incorrect connection of the drain, which can be fixed in 2 minutes.

The process of fixing a broken drain

The problem with mustiness occurs when water stagnates in the tank of the car. This happens if the sink siphon to which the drain is connected is located above the bend of the drain hose.

Then the water from the sink entering the siphon does not all go down the drain, but partially flows down the tube directly into the machine. There it stagnates, and then gives a musty smell to the laundry.

Simply make a bend in the hose so that the top is above the siphon. It is enough to hook it with a plastic tie, or tie it with thread or wire. This will completely prevent water from flowing from the siphon into the machine.

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