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home » Cooking » Mayonnaise will make the kebab meat softer. Simple mayonnaise marinade

One of the most popular marinades for softening transverse meat fibers is mayonnaise. By adding lemon juice and your favorite spices to the mixture for soaking meat, you can get the most tender and delicious kebab with a golden crust.

Ingredients for barbecue:

  • - boneless pork (neck or back) - 1.5 kg;
  • - mixture of spices for barbecue - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • - mustard seeds - 1 dessert spoon;
  • - table mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • - medium-sized lemon - 1 fruit;
  • - rock salt - 30 g.

Preparation: marinate the kebab in mayonnaise marinade

Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut off the thin peel - zest, grind it in a blender, squeeze the juice into a deep bowl.

Add mayonnaise, seasonings, salt to the marinade and mix thoroughly.

Cut the washed and dried meat into medium-sized cubes.

Place in a deep bowl and season with mayonnaise-lemon marinade.

Keep the future kebab under pressure in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. It is better if the meat is marinated overnight.

Opposite, portion pieces on skewers, fry the kebab in the grill.

During cooking, it is recommended to pour the marinade diluted with mineral water over the meat and constantly turn it over.

It is best to serve hot pork kebab on a beautiful platter, garnishing the product with lettuce, arugula, fennel and basil. Separately, you need to put spicy sauces on the table: adjika, satsebeli, tkemali or Provencal mayonnaise.

This same marinade is good for tenderizing steaks and pork chops or portioned pieces of poultry. The remainder of mayonnaise with lemon zest and herbs can be greased with slices of zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables that are fried on the grill.

Bon appetit!

The juiciest kebab in boiling water - a secret from an Uzbek who knows his business -
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