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home » Garden » Don’t throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed
Do not throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed

If you forget about the seeds planted in a pot, then without light and water after germination, the seedlings become very elongated. They turn out thin, white, with an absolute deviation from the norm. Usually they are simply thrown away, but there is a way to save them and get a harvest as a result, just like ordinary well-groomed bushes.

Do not throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed

What you will need:

  • water;
  • liquid fertilizer;
  • phytolamp;
  • fresh soil;
  • cups for picking.

The process of saving stretched seedlings

Launched, stretched seedlings should be immediately watered with the addition of fertilizer suitable for this crop. At the same time, the seedlings are placed under a lamp, or at least in a well-lit place. Literally within a day they will strengthen and turn green. In the example on the right, there are pepper seedlings, which after 24 hours of such resuscitation look quite good.

Do not throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed

As soon as the seedlings are slightly stronger, they are picked into cups with good soil. Since they are very elongated, they need to be planted deeper. After this, they are grown to normal size and transplanted into open ground. As a result, the reanimated seedling will look like an ordinary one.

Do not throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed

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How to make a mini greenhouse for seedlings -
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests May 22, 2021 07:00
    Why is it divided into cells on the left photo, but not on the right. And the number of rows does not match.

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