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home » 7 tips for using superglue that won’t be written about in the instructions

You can repair a lot of things with superglue. But few people know how to do this reliably, because the instructions for the glue simply won’t write about such life hacks. And high-quality repair of the product is the main issue, which can be solved quite easily.

1. Repair hole

If a self-tapping screw rotates in a hole in a wooden product, then repairing such a defect will not be difficult. Usually matches or wooden skewers are used for this, but if we talk about quality, we suggest another method.

Push cotton wool into the hole using a thin knitting needle.

Fill the hole with super glue to saturate the cotton.

After 1-2 minutes, screw in the screw.

The excess super glue will squeeze out. After 15 minutes you can use the product.

2. Gluing thin plastic

You can't just seal thin plastic. But there is one trick, let’s show it using a watering can as an example.

Fill the crack with baking soda and pour plenty of super glue.

As a result, the crack will be securely sealed. A small bulge from soda reinforcement will not interfere with its operation.

3. Reliable bonding of plastic

If you simply glue even thick plastic together, its reliability will be minimal. The connection must be reinforced.To do this, sprinkle the gluing with soda and water with glue.

A part glued in this way will be several times more reliable.

4. Using eggshells as a filler

You can use not only soda as a filler, but also eggshells.

To do this, it must be crushed into powder.

Now, just like in the examples above, use it for cutting.

The shell gives higher strength than regular soda.

5. Repairing fragile plastic

Fragile plastic also sticks together well with super glue and shell filler.

6. Gluing the ruler

To reinforce the adhesive area, you can use fabric or thin synthetic insulation for clothing. An item repaired in this way looks more aesthetically pleasing.

7. Repair of fastening of a weld or broom

Here's a great hack for repairing a mop mount that's broken.

We take a thick cord, glue its tip and wind it around the mount.

Then soak it generously with superglue.

That's all. Your mop or brush is ready for use again.

I am sure that the connection glued in such a reliable way will definitely not burst again.

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Innovative replacement for superglue: UV glue for quick repairs at home -
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