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home » Lightning-fast repair of a mosquito net without removing it from the window

This is perhaps the fastest way to seal holes in a mosquito net without even removing it from the window. The whole process will take no more than a couple of minutes.

I think everyone is familiar with these defects in the nets that our feathered friends usually make. And through these broken holes mosquitoes and midges fly into the house, which is very unpleasant.

What will be needed for repairs?

  • Fiberglass self-adhesive serpyanka.
  • Construction knife or scissors.

Instant DIY mosquito net repair

Serpyanka, for those who don’t know, is a self-adhesive construction tape. It is very often used during repairs. It is used to seal drywall joints and other cracks before applying putty.

Buying it at any hardware store will not be difficult. The cost of a large skein can be around 50-150 rubles. Which is relatively inexpensive, considering how many grids it can repair.

So, take the required piece of tape, cut it with a knife and simply seal all the holes with it.

Gently smooth it out.

Ideally, it is better to seal the other side, but this is not necessary.

In the end, everything was perfectly repaired in just a couple of minutes.

To strengthen it, you can glue the torn areas several times.

An excellent and quick way to repair, as serpyanka allows air to pass through.

Watch the video

Now the handles of the mosquito net will not break, a useful modification -

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