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home » Garden » How to grow green onions without soil in a city apartment

Many dishes around the world add onions and green onions. Vegetables give food juiciness and a specific taste. In order to always have onions in your home, you don’t have to buy them in the store. You can grow it yourself, without much effort or investment. A simple method of growing onions without soil is popular.


  • medium-sized onion;
  • sharp knife;
  • plastic containers.

Sprouting onions for greens without soil:

Before planting, onions must be prepared. To do this, remove the stalk from the vegetable and remove the excess husk.

Place the onions in containers tightly together, bottom down.

Water lightly with clean water.

Place containers with onions in a sunny place. Add water to containers as needed. After 7 days, you will notice green onion pods appearing, which will increase in size every day.

To use green onions for food, simply remove the bulb from the container, remove the onion head and enjoy the juicy taste of the green part of the fruit. Watch a detailed video on growing onions without soil.

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See another way: Anyone can grow green onions on a windowsill without any soil -
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