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home » Cooking » A quick anti-crisis dessert for tea. All you need is flour and some other little things

Many housewives do not like long cooking times. But in order to pamper your family with something tasty, you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours. You can make a quick, airy dough and fry thin, sweet sticks. The dessert is perfect as a snack or treat.


  • 5 gr. (1 tsp) sugar;
  • 3 gr. salt;
  • 200 ml. boiled water;
  • 275 gr. premium flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Preparing air sticks:

Pour salt, sugar into a bowl and pour in boiled water.

Using a silicone spatula, stir the ingredients thoroughly. Sift the flour and add it to the bowl in portions. Stir constantly so that no lumps form.

Using your hands, knead into a soft dough that will not stick. Sprinkle the work surface with a small amount of flour and knead the dough for 5 minutes.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a thin, square layer. Periodically sprinkle the table with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Using a sharp, round knife, cut off any excess dough and make an even rectangle.

Divide the dough layer in half and then into strips about 2 centimeters thick.

Heat the frying pan over maximum heat, pour in about 1-1.5 centimeters of oil. Carefully place thin strips of dough into hot oil and fry on both sides. Turn the snack over so that it is golden on all sides.

Transfer the cooked, fried strips to a serving plate.

When serving, decorate the dessert with powdered sugar, jam or liquid honey.

Watch the video

Watch a detailed video on how to prepare crispy strips of airy dough.

Do you have 1 orange and milk? Make this delicious dessert without flour -
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