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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » 2 ways to remove a broken key from a door lock

If you open the door carelessly, you can accidentally break the key right in the lock. The situation is unpleasant, but if you have access to a tool, it can be solved on your own. Moreover, you can not only get a broken key, but also, if there is no duplicate, open the door with the remaining piece.

1. The process of removing a broken key using screwdrivers, knives or scissors

If you just need to remove a piece of debris from the lock cylinder, just find two screwdrivers, a pair of knives or scissors. Using a simple tool, we clamp the protruding fragment on both sides and, resting on the larva like levers, try to pull it out a little at a time.

After several times, moving a millimeter at a time, you can remove the fragment enough to grab it with your fingers. Then, if there is no other key, you can duplicate it using the existing fragment.

2. The process of removing debris with a screwdriver

You can also take a drill or screwdriver with a thin drill bit and drill the fragment at an angle.

Then using the hole you can pull out the fragment.If necessary, it is possible to insert a nail into the hole without removing it, and then turn the cylinder, thereby opening the door.

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