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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » How to easily clean a burnt grill grate

After the first use, the grill grate, even stainless steel, stops shining. It becomes covered with soot and soot. You can clean it to perfect condition quite quickly, you just need to know one secret.

What you will need:

  • Foil;
  • newspaper;
  • dry rags.

Grill grate cleaning process

Coarse deposits on the grates can be wiped off with a wad of regular baking foil.

It removes most of the dirt quite easily. The ball and foil will take the shape of a lattice, so it can clean the rods from the sides at the same time.

After cleaning the grill on both sides with foil, you need to wrap it with wet newspaper in 1 layer. It is left in this form for at least 6 hours, but preferably overnight.

When the remaining dirt is soaked, the newspaper is removed. Some of the soot will remain directly on the paper.

The rest can be wiped off with a sponge and detergent in a couple of movements. Next, wipe the grate with a dry rag.

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How to clean carbon deposits from a grill grate without extra effort -
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