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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » How to safely remove tape marks from any surface

The main advantage of this method is its safety for any surface, be it wood, plastic or any other material. The method is non-toxic, you can easily and quickly wipe off traces of tape and after that you don’t even have to ventilate the room.

Almost everyone has everything they need for this in their kitchen.

What will you need?

  • Sunflower oil.
  • Sponge for washing dishes.
  • Detergent.

Removing traces of tape in a safe way

Pour a little sunflower oil onto a sponge and wipe off the tape mark. The oil should form a “good” scrap.

Next, leave to soak for 15-30 minutes.

Then you can start scrubbing. A double-sided dishwashing sponge is best for this. If it is not there, use any rag.

Using a rough, rough layer, we gradually remove the mark.

Everything will take just a couple of minutes. The tape marks partially remain on the sponge.

And now you have a clean surface in front of you.

After scrubbing, it is necessary to remove any traces of fat from the oil. Any dishwashing detergent will do the job.

In the end you will be left with a clean surface, without any marks.

Watch the video

A few more ways: How to remove traces of tape on plastic or glass -

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