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home » Garden » A quick way to grow onions and garlic per pen in disposable containers

If you happen to get your hands on a disposable polystyrene foam container with a lid that is used to deliver warm food, you can use it to grow onions or garlic. He is perfect for this. The design of the container allows you to change the water in it, so it eliminates stagnation and the characteristic unpleasant odor.

What you will need:

  • Disposable polystyrene foam containers with lid;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker.

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The process of making an onion tray from a disposable container

On the lid of the container you need to mark round cells for placing the bulbs. You can simply trace the roof of a bottle or other round object. The cells are then cut out with a knife.

Now you need to separate the lid from the bottom.

It is turned over and inserted into the tray. All technical components are ready.

Before sprouting, you need to prepare onions or garlic by cutting off the top and roots with a knife.

Water is filled into the container, and the bulbs are placed in cells so that they can reach moisture.

After a couple of days, feathers sprout from the bulbs.

As it grows, you will need to add water, and when it stagnates, change it to fresh water so that there is no unpleasant odor. Under favorable conditions, the germinating feather can be trimmed in less than a week.

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