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Man is very cunning in inventing various instruments and devices that make life easier. This way you can not only save money on repairs, but also approach the work process differently. Anyone can do the following 5 tricks, you just need to put in a little effort.

How to Use a Dried and Seemingly Unusable Brush

In the first case, it will be possible to give a second life to an old dried paint brush.

Thanks to modernization, it will be reusable. First, you should clean the brush of old paint. A ribbon is cut from a PET bottle to the width of the brush.

A tape is cut from an old sponge, the same as the blank from a bottle. The fabric and plastic backing are folded together and secured to an old brush with an elastic band.

Now you can dip into paint and paint the surfaces.

At the end of the work, you can wash the fabric, thus using the material again and again.

Upgrading the brush for even painting of joints and corners

In the second case, it will be possible to achieve clean coloring of the corners.

It happens that when painting a wall, the splashes also touch the ceiling. To avoid this, cut the bristles at an angle of 45 degrees.

Thus, when moving along the joint in hard-to-reach corners, paint will not splash.

How to make a new roller from an old one

In the third case, we will talk about attaching a roller to an old dried roller.

You need to take a plastic pipe with the inner diameter of the dried roll. Cut off a suitable valley.

Cut a segment of material from a piece of a mop attachment to glue to the tube.

Then, when the glue has dried, you can put the tube on the roller and insert the handle.

Such a tool is no worse than its factory counterparts. In addition, you can choose a washcloth with large or fine pile. Then the painting process will be noticeably different.

Another option for upgrading the brush for even painting of joints and corners

In the fourth case, the folding protection on the brush will help protect the ceiling surface when painting the walls.

To do this, attach a piece of plastic or metal segment to a brush that is already cut at 45 degrees. It should be slightly larger in size than stubble.

Taking the screws, the door hinge is screwed to the brush. On the other side of the hinge, a protective segment is bolted to the pre-drilled holes.

This way, when painting corners, the bristles and paint will not touch the adjacent surface.

Refinement of a brush for painting even stripes

In the fifth case, an additional wheel is attached to the brush to facilitate painting. A wheel (let's say from an old children's car) is fixed on a small plate with the ability to rotate. This mechanism is attached with screws to the hand so that the wheel is on the back side at a distance of 1 cm from the hand.

When painting is done, due to the wheel that acts as a guide roller, the brush will not move to the side.

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See also: 6 tricks when working with paint so as not to stain everything -
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