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home » Different » Crafts » Crafts made from plastic pipes » How to make a folding tool box from PVC pipe

In the workshop there are a lot of useful little things scattered everywhere. As a result, you have to search for them for a long time. It is much more convenient to store such little things in one place. We offer a folding box design that is easy to make with your own hands. To make it, even a basic set of hand tools is enough.


  • PVC sewer pipe 110 mm;
  • superglue for PVC;
  • screws, M3 nuts;
  • bracelet for watches with links.

Box making process

To make the box you will need sheet plastic. It can be obtained from scraps of 110 mm PVC pipes. To do this, they are cut lengthwise in one place and then heated over a gas stove.

The softened plastic must be pressed against the table with a ceramic tile or board. It will cool down very quickly and take a flat shape.

To make the bottom of the box, you need to cut out 2 rectangles of 10x15 cm with a stationery knife. They are glued together using three strips of plastic, glued lengthwise and centerwise. The result is a bottom of 20x15 cm.

Next you need to make the drawer handle.To do this, you will need 2 plates 15x15 cm. A handle with a stand is cut out of them according to the proposed drawing. The two blanks are folded together and glued.

The handle with stands is glued to the middle of the bottom. Then strips 3.5 cm wide are cut. They need to be glued around the circumference of the bottom, forming sides.

Next you have to glue 4 trays. Their bottom is made 9.8x15 cm. The height of the sides, like that of the bottom, should be 3.5 cm.

The trays are placed on the bottom with a handle and secured with an elastic band. Next, you need to make markings for the loops according to the proposed diagram.

Then thin strips of plastic are cut, drilled and screwed to the trays with screws and nuts. As a result, we get loops for unfolding trays. The nuts need to be glued to the screws so that they do not unscrew.

Plates are glued to the sides of the middle trays, which will serve as a support when opening the box. It won't tip over with them.

Next, cut out the covers for the upper trays. To install them, you will need to disassemble the watch strap into links. The latter are glued onto the lids like hinges. To do this, cutouts are made under them. Enough 3 loops per lid.

To strengthen the links, plastic inserts can be glued into the cutouts at the bottom of the lid.

If necessary, partitions are glued into the trays.

Small handles for the lids are also cut out of plastic.

A couple of handles on the sides under the central hinges would also help to open the drawer. After this, it can be filled with various small things, such as drills, drill bits, screws, etc.

Watch the video

See another version of a similar tool box made of PVC pipe -
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