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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » Simple drip watering for plants during the holidays

When you go on vacation for a week or more, you may find your indoor plants completely wilted when you return. This can be avoided by making a drip irrigation system. It will slowly moisten the soil in the pot so that the plant can withstand any heat.


  • Plastic bottle or carboy;
  • cord or rope;
  • system for infusion of internal solutions from a pharmacy.

Drip irrigation manufacturing process

It is necessary to select a PET bottle or a bottle of such a capacity that its volume is sufficient to water the plant for the required period. If we are talking about a couple of days, then you can use a regular bottle, when about a week, then it is better to take a 5-6 liter bottle. The bottom of the container needs to be cut off in a circle, but not all the way, so that it dangles on the sash.

Stepping back a little from the cut bottom, you need to make 2 holes in the walls of the bottle for hanging it. A rope is wound into them, the edges of which are tied in a knot.

You also need to make a hole in the bottle cap and insert a needle from the system for infusion of internal solutions into it.

Now the container can be hung above the plant pot by the rope handle and filled with water.

All that remains is to adjust the wheel that pinches the hose so that the water drips into the pot at the required speed.

Everything can be calculated mathematically, based on the number of drops per minute, and the fact that the volume of each of them is 0.05 ml. That is, if 1 drop falls every 10 seconds, then 8640 drops or 432 ml will flow per day. Thus, using a bottle and a dropper from the pharmacy, you can provide your plants with water for at least 2 weeks.

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The simplest drip irrigation from a plastic bottle for a strong harvest -
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