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home » Garden » Effective rooting of roses using a plastic bottle

If you have cut roses in your bouquet, or have fresh branches left after pruning the bush, you can turn them into seedlings. It is not at all difficult to germinate cuttings from such material, especially using this method. In just 1 month they will have large, strong roots.

What you will need:

  • Rose cuttings;
  • sharp knife;
  • PET bottle 5-6 l – 2 pcs.;
  • sand.

The process of germination of rose cuttings

Cut branches or roses from a bouquet must be prepared before sprouting the root. It is necessary to cut cuttings from the available material.

Their length should be such that each has 3 leaf nodes. The lower cut is made 3-4 cm before the first knot, and the upper cut is 3-4 cm above the third.

At the lower end of each cutting, you need to update the end by making 2 oblique cuts with a very sharp, clean knife. It is best to cut by placing the branch against a wooden surface.

Next, you need to remove the label from the PET bottles. The neck of one is cut off to create a funnel.

The second one needs to burn or drill drainage holes in the bottom.

Then, using a funnel, you need to half fill the bottle with the holes with sand.

4 rose cuttings are planted into the bottle through the neck. They fit into the sand without any problems.

After this, you need to put the bottle outside, pour water into it, and close the lid.

In such a greenhouse in the sun, the cuttings will germinate very quickly (10 days). It will be clearly visible through the plastic when the sand dries out and needs watering.

In a month, the cuttings will have large roots, and then these seedlings can already be planted in nutritious soil.

When transplanting, the roots are washed to remove sand.

They can be planted in open ground or in pots, if they will not have time to take root well in a new place by autumn. In this case, it is best to use a mixture of coconut fiber and soil from the site as soil, or a purchased soil mixture for roses.

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