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home » Garden » Life hack: how to quickly build a simple greenhouse at the dacha with your own hands

It’s not for nothing that the dacha is called a “vacuum cleaner.” In dacha spaces, everything is required, both in the house and on the site. But every little thing needs to be bought.

Today I will tell you how you can save money on building a greenhouse. To do this, you just need to go into your shed and look for suitable boards and tools there.

We will not buy iron staples. Of the purchases, I only had to splurge on the fabric that covers the vegetables in the greenhouse from rain, wind and hot sun.

The greenhouse will be made of new wooden boards that remained after the renovation. Looking ahead a little, I will say that the greenhouse stood for almost 7 years.

Making such a greenhouse is easy even for a girl, since no hard physical labor is expected.

What did I need

  • 1. Boards.
  • 2. Rope.
  • 3. Hammer.
  • 4. Nails.

How to set up a greenhouse

In order for the greenhouse to look decent and be even in its design, the ropes should be stretched to the expected length of the greenhouse. The rope will help you drive the pieces of wood straight into the ground.

After the markings are made, I begin to drive vertical boards into the ground on both sides.

Next, we fasten the vertical and horizontal boards using nails and a hammer. My greenhouse looks like the letter “P”.

It took me almost the whole day to assemble the greenhouse. The next day I was already planting tomatoes and cucumbers.

Important! Be sure to cover the greenhouse at night with a special cloth that can be secured at the bottom with ordinary stones; every dacha has them. As a last resort, bricks. This way the fabric will not be blown away by the wind, and your vegetables will not be damaged by bad weather or thieves.

How to quickly and easily make a greenhouse from plastic pipes and film -
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