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home » Useful and interesting » How to make a machine for cleaning quail eggs

The appearance of quails on the farm is inevitably accompanied by the cleaning of dozens and hundreds of small boiled eggs. This is a long, painstaking process that quickly gets boring. Having made such a machine, you can clean them 100 times faster.


  • Engine 775 with gearbox -
  • plastic cutting boards – 2 pcs.;
  • straight rods 5 mm;
  • flange on the motor shaft;
  • rubber hose with an internal diameter of 4 mm;
  • sheet aluminum 3-4 mm;
  • aluminum strip 10 mm;
  • mounting aluminum corners – 2 pcs.;
  • battery 12V;
  • wires with a thick core;
  • switch.

Machine manufacturing process

It is necessary to cut 2 pieces of a straight rod, 21 and 24 cm long.

A rubber hose 19 cm long is pulled over them.

2 slats of 35x130 mm are cut out of a plastic cutting board. These will be the stands for the rollers.

Mounting holes are drilled into them from the edge.

On one part, 2 blind ones are made, and on the second, one blind and a through one. It is necessary that when installing the shafts, there is no gap between the rubber tubes.

The racks with shafts are screwed to the second solid cutting board using self-tapping screws.

The engine is mounted on it. For this purpose, an aluminum plate and mounting angles are used. The protruding roller shaft is connected to the motor using a flange. All fastenings are made with bolts, since self-tapping screws will not withstand the load.

The battery is screwed under the engine using a metal strip bracket. It is connected to the motor by wires through a switch.

A U-shaped side for the rollers is bent from an aluminum strip and screwed to the racks. That's it, the device is ready for use.

The rollers must be wet before use.

The eggs are laid out on the rollers of the running machine.

One load fits 6 pieces. You need to press each of them for 1 second with your finger, and the rollers will tear off the shell, after which it will fall into the tray provided.

The peeled eggs are pushed to the side into the second container.

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How to make a machine from rotors from electric motors for quickly stripping insulation from wires -
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Comments (3)
  1. Well
    #1 Well Guests 28 April 2021 13:14
    And for chickens?)
    1. f-74
      #2 f-74 Guests 26 May 2021 01:43
      Quail eggs have a different shell from chicken eggs - they are kind of “soft”. You can pinch off and then pull - it comes off almost like a spiral, especially fresh eggs from young laying hens. Chicken shells are more rigid and fragile - probably a similar device will not cope...
  2. Max
    #3 Max Guests 8 February 2022 16:45
    What are the gearbox speeds?

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