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7 useful homemade products from the microwave

Finding a broken microwave oven at any landfill or flea market is by no means a problem. For homemade people, this device is simply a godsend, considering how many very useful things can be made from it. Below is a small TOP 7 interesting homemade microwave ovens.

How to make a 220V manual generator from a microwave oven

220 V manual generator from a microwave

A full-fledged 220 VAC generator can be assembled from a microwave oven dish rotation drive motor. The 3-5 W power it produces is enough to charge an LED lamp or charge a mobile phone. Read how to assemble it here -

How to make a powerful power source from a microwave transformer

Powerful power supply from a microwave transformer

The microwave transformer has a high power of 700-1000 W. Although it is not intended for long-term operation, it is still possible to make a power supply out of it. About this here -

A simple DIY microwave welding machine

Microwave welding machine

This homemade product is a classic of the genre. You've probably already heard that it is quite possible to assemble a simple welder from a microwave -

Do-it-yourself full-fledged welding machine from 4 microwave ovens

Welding machine made of four microwave ovens

4 transformers provide a higher welding current and voltage, which in turn allows the use of thicker electrodes in the work -

How to make a powerful electromagnet for the workshop from a microwave

Powerful electromagnet from a microwave oven

A beam crane equipped with this electromagnet will be a great addition to your workshop. It is very convenient to move flat metal objects such as steel sheets. How to make such an electromagnet from 3 microwaves, read here -

Rotary table

Rotary table

If you are interested in photography or video work, then a rotating table for shooting an object from all sides will definitely come in handy -

Simple resistance welding machine

Simple resistance welding machine

You can weld contacts, thin metals, etc. using a homemade resistance welding machine -

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