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5 options for making a night vision device yourself

A night vision device is an extremely interesting and useful device. With it you can look at anything in complete darkness. This device does not have a clever operating principle, although purchased models are by no means cheap. You can assemble a night vision device yourself, from old electronics or purchased parts. The process is not complicated, but very exciting. Here are five NVG options for self-production:

How to make a night vision device from an old camera

How to make a night vision device from an old camera

Surely you have an old digital camera lying around, it’s perfect for such a homemade product -

How to make a night vision device from a mobile phone with your own hands

How to make a night vision device from a mobile phone with your own hands

It is also very easy to make a night vision device from a smartphone or other phone with a more or less normal camera. This goodness is everywhere in bulk. Read how to assemble NVGs on a smartphone here -

How to make a night vision device from a car camera and a mini monitor

How to make a night vision device from a camera and a mini monitor

If you still have a car video camera and a monitor from the parking system, then a night vision device can easily be made from them -

How to make a NVG from a GoPro camera

How to make a night vision device from a GoPro camera

In order not only to look in the dark, but also to film, a NVD can also be made from a GoPro camera -

How to make a night vision device from ready-made modules

How to make a night vision device from ready-made modules

Almost professional NVD can be made from ready-made modules, which must be pre-ordered on AliExpress -

This is not a complete list of how and from what you can make a night vision device with your own hands.

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