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DIY mini water cooling system

To reduce the heat on your computer's CPU, you can switch from air to liquid cooling. Usually such an upgrade is accompanied by large costs. If you choose components wisely, then it is quite possible to assemble a budget mini system.
Such a small installation can cool not only the computer processor, but also, say, a power amplifier chip in order to improve heat dissipation.


  • liquid radiator 80 mm -
  • fan -
  • mini water pump -
  • deodorant cap;
  • plywood or plank;
  • step down converter from 12V to 6V -
  • hose -
  • aluminum CPU water cooling block -

DIY mini water cooling system

The manufacturing process of a liquid cooling system for PCs and more

A fan is screwed to the liquid radiator.
DIY mini water cooling system

Next you need to modify the pump.
DIY mini water cooling system

To do this, you will need to drill through the center of the deodorant cap.
DIY mini water cooling system

Its outer side of the bottom is sanded to create a rough surface for gluing. Then it is glued to the pump using epoxy glue. The hole in it is aligned for the pump fluid intake.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

While the glue dries, you need to make a plug with a fitting for the glued lid.It can be printed on a 3D printer, machined or selected. To make it fit tightly, grooves are made on it for sealing rubber bands.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

A radiator with a fan and a pump are installed on a base made of any sheet material. Since the pump is 6V, a step-down converter will be required to power it from a 12V computer unit. It is soldered to the pump contacts.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

After this, a hose is connected to the pump, the second end of which is connected to the radiator. Another tube is put on the fitting of a homemade cap. The free ends of the hoses are then pulled over the CPU water cooling unit.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

To start the system, you need to open the cap on the running pump and pour coolant into it.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

The pump will pump it around and start draining it back. You should draw the liquid level slightly below the edges to allow its thermal expansion, after which the lid is closed.
DIY mini water cooling system

DIY mini water cooling system

Also find out which option for applying thermal paste is the simplest and most effective -

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Comments (3)
  1. Yuri_
    #1 Yuri_ Visitors 13 February 2021 18:10
    Conclusion: the actual cooling in this system is carried out by a standard 12-centimeter fan, blowing through a rather modest-sized radiator.

    The question arises: why is water needed there at all, with everything attached to it, if more efficient cooling can be obtained by simply attaching this radiator with a fan directly to the processor?
    1. Dick
      #2 Dick Guests 13 February 2021 20:50
      The radiator area and its heat transfer are much larger.
      1. Yuri_
        #3 Yuri_ Visitors February 14, 2021 00:14
        AND? Why transfer heat from the processor to this wonderful heatsink with water, if the heatsink itself, with its modest size, can be attached directly to the processor?

        In a non-sealed computer case, water cooling makes sense in two cases:

        1. The water circuit is open. That is, cold water is taken from outside and then, after heating on the processor, it is drained somewhere without being reused.

        2. The water circuit is closed and water circulates in it, but the radiator is so large that it cannot be placed directly on the processor.

        Here it is neither one nor the other.

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